Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Heroic Journey

Leaving home for the first time is the most difficult challenge in anyone’s life; Leaving behind one’s comfort zone and facing the real world away from family and friends is a daunting task that everyone must face at some point in their life. Taking the first step on the path to self-reliance is a difficult one, a step that Bilbo Baggins himself must work to overcome. A Hobbit’s life is one that any modern human should envy: Quite and comfortable, filled with the enjoyment of nature and food. Why leave such a sweet, simple existence and risk life and limb on a dangerous journey for the slight chance at riches?

Self-improvement is the backbone of any journey, heroic or not. When one leaves behind friends and family, it is to further one’s education or learn self-reliance. Bilbo initially denies the initial journey, opting to stay within his comfort zone. But rarely can an individual deny the call of adventure and Bilbo takes the first step towards heroics by joining the goblins and Gandalf on their quest. From the first trials of the journey and onward, Bilbo beings to come into his own, displaying his hidden inner strength and heroics that he himself wasn’t aware of. This aspect of his journey is extremely akin to a young adult leaving home and living on their own for the first time, learning and relearning the skills their need to survive and finding the courage to deal with everyday problems on their own. Much like Bilbo first interacting with the imposition of the goblins in his home at the beginning of the story, to be self reliant one must learn to interact with awful, bothersome people who may ask too much of you. Having someone trustworthy and world wise, like Gandalf to Bilbo, helps lighten the load of an individual’s path, however. As important a journey of self-reliance is, the relationships we build and bonds we make are a immeasurable source of learning and experience that will last a lifetime.

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